gomo mobile ringtones and logos... let's see if it's cheaper than the last bloody time I changed the logo...
goth/trendy/alternate test.... Goth 35% Trendy 10% Alternative 65% Conclusion: Angry *and* arrogant! What a combination. You have just enough knowledge of the world to really resent it properly. Proving, of course, what a load of crap these tests are :)
amaya's recent events photo page. fuck, yet another photo of me allowed to exist (Phantasm, 22nd September). why did i not hide? i must have been feeling mellow.
37 Signals (and signal vs. noise), enormicom.com, blowthedotoutyourass.com.
oh my.
i appear to have opened a can of blogs. well, it had to happen. i need somewhere to bung all the random links i come across. need! ha!
i'm going to boot this sucker off the mark with a list apart & webmonkey. two most deserving sites.
so, what the hell?
This is not a journal, or a rants page, or a links page. I already have rants and links pages. But a linkblog meets them all in the middle - the links I've found interesting, together with a few comments about each one. All in a nice, easily updated format.
I'm also interested to see if this exercise will form some kind of overall picture of me; being the only common thread between the links. Most likely not, but it does give me an artsy excuse :)
Besides all that, I think this is better than emailling funny links to people - barring the really amazingly funny shit, which I still email around. The linkblog is always here, so anyone who gives a shit about what I think is interesting is able to opt in and have a look around. I assume that some people will land here having followed a link from my homepage, so it's not entirely self-obsessed and psychotic to think it could happen. Note: "not entirely self-obsessed........"