
london bomb attacks

No doubt you'll all have heard by now: BBC NEWS | In Depth | london explosions. I've now heard that all the people I know in London are safe; I wish the same for everyone despite knowing it can't be true for everyone.

I don't know what to make of the world tonight. I certainly have no love for religion and the fundamentalists it produces. I feel tired and angry that terrorists continue these attacks. I wonder what was supposed to be achieved but in a sense I don't care - I don't believe terrorism achieves anything.

I feel sad that the world can create the conditions to inspire terrorism, sad that anyone could become so marginalised that they lash out in such a way. I see terrorists like school bullies with a bad home life - I can guess at motivation but I do not excuse any of the behaviour.

I suppose all we can really do is resolve to live our lives without changing in response to terrorism. Our plans for a trip to the UK - to see friends in London - are not changed. Not for a second. Not much in the greater scheme of things, but it's the only thing within my sphere of influence.

Update: Reagan - 07/07/05, unsurprisingly says it far better than I ever could.


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