
You know, you don't have to agree with vegetarian/vegan/animal rights activists.... but you've got to admire their lateral thinking abilities. They must have some serious brainstorms... think about it, last time you flicked across channels and saw a basketball game, did you see the players bouncing a ball or a cow? Well, they saw a cow. No More Leather Basketballs for NCAA. According to this article, they've just saved 576 basket balls' worth of cow. I'm not sure how many cows that is, but hey it all helps (literally speaking). What the hell, if a synthetic ball is just as good as a leather ball; why kill animals. I mean hey, at least this fight took their mind off what I chose to eat today. I'm all for limiting pointless use of leather like this; but hey I would also like less pollution (like, say, a synthetic basketball factory produces). I'll settle for people not trying to ram their politics (and tofu) down my throat.


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