
slashdot bits

  • Slashdot | Netscape Founder Says Web Browsing Innovation Dead. There's a fucking news flash for you. On the other hand, Opera has been keeping up with the times.
  • Slashdot | eBay Provides No Privacy For Sellers. To put it another way: eBay brags about being heaven for social engineering hack attacks.
  • Gates on Linux. To paraphrase: Pfft! As if a big company like us needs to worry about a bunch of geeks! Remember OS/2? No? Perhaps Billy has blocked out the days when MS was a tiny startup with a few geeks who had dropped out of college. To quote the man himself: We were pretty young. We started when I was 19 and so we just had a lot of - a lot of energy. (from Triump of the Nerds). So, Linux eh... just a bunch of committed geeks. Nothing to worry about there. *shrug* with the kind of money MS has in its war chest, it probably can just ride it out. Linux will be like the Mac - just a very small part of the market. A surprisingly vocal part of the market, but a small part.


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