
EnviroMission - Where are they now?

Long time readers (*collapses laughing*) may recall the solar energy project which proposes a Solar Tower; using the updraft from a greenhouse to spin a turbine. A really fantastic idea, IMHO. Anyway, (according to the EnviroMission Limited - News page) they've signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Australia's biggest energy supplier to have all power purchased from the project; released shares; reduced running costs (and staff, sadly); and progressed with a site. Oh yeah... and they've confirmed it is feasible to build the tower, these small details :P

Seems to be chugging along. I really hope this one goes the distance. Australia has MMFD (miles and miles of fucking desert) and the brains to turn it into clean energy. Hopefully this project won't go the way of all other Aussie ideas - bought out by foreign interests after a total lack of local interest.

I was prompted to look up progress after seeing this article on wind power.... Feature Article: Weekly Feature - Steady As She Blows: Power electronics and exotic energy storage devices are making wind power steady enough to compete with conventional electricity sources.



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