
Headers and soul [dive into mark]. I would like to point out that geeks know how to use the answer to a question as a weapon. That may not be the driving factor here, but it's still true. I - unfortunately - have a support aspect to my job. People are meant to attend training and read documentation before they call us, but they don't. As a result; I've occasionally answered a (dumb) question in such intentionally mind-numbing detail that the person asking avoided asking me (dumb) questions after that point. Which was what I was aiming for. I've also told someone that all the info is contained in a detailed tutorial (which they should have already read), then proceeded to tell them all about it in greater detail; ignoring their cues that they'd like to go and read the tutorial after all, please stop talking, my brain is melting, I'll be good, please. Next time, they read the damn tutorial first. They still had a question, but it was an informed and reasonable question which only took a minute to answer.

What's that? Hell no, geeks aren't above revenge. We put up with jocks in high school and you all get to pay the price ;) So go beat up a jock if you don't like it.


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