Posts | Hanson to allege interference (August 25, 2003). The grounds for appeal sound pretty far-fetched to me; or more accurately "oo-er, they were playing politics". Worse still is that people are saying they'd vote One Nation because of the jailling: A poll in Brisbane's Sunday Mail put primary support for One Nation in Queensland at 21 per cent, only just below the 22 per cent of the primary vote the party recorded in the 1998 election.

Fucking what???? I know Aussies love an underdog, but people... Hanson is not an underdog, she's just a bitch*. Plus, no matter what you think of her sentence; are people seriously saying they'd choose to vote for a party whose founder/leaders were so thick they fucked up registering their party so badly they were jailed for it? ARGH! Besides all this, can the world move on now? A stupid hate-monger got jailed for breaking the law. Next!

* A bitch, who dug her own hole no less.... :P go team random puns.


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