
news bits

  • | House prices correcting: Costello (December 8, 2003): THE Treasurer said today house prices were experiencing a 'correction' rather than an outright collapse. ...because it helps to call it something different.
  • Bartlett faces pressure to quit as leader - / | Stott Despoja and others wait in the wings (December 8, 2003). They should have stuck with Stott Despoja in the first place, IMO. One thing about this whole issue I'm tired of is the media acting like Bartlett got into a brawl - he grabbed her by the arm and verballed her. Totally out of line, yes; but from some of the headlines you'd think he'd clobbered her with a chair and then kicked her head in. Personally I'd like to know why Parliament doesn't have a zero blood alcohol requirement; and why nobody has questioned why a drunk person was allowed into the room in the first place. I'd like the people running the country to be fucking sober while they do it.
  • Feel it's time to start a family? Go for broke - ... Amanda Vanstone thinks Australia's birthrate is falling because today's parents are too materialistic. ... How quickly she forgets. Only last year, when she still had ministerial responsibility for women and for families, she argued that government failure to give adequate financial support to women having babies was at least partly to blame. about this: maybe people just don't want screaming shit machines in their lives? But anyway, this is a good example of keeping track of what politicians say from year to year. If voters actually kept track, politics would be a very different game. But no, we have memories like the proverbial goldfish.
  • Semi-automatic stinkers - Pepe la Pew... He fights crime!


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