One in 8 billion a pokie maker's odds - - I'll stick to the odd Gold Lotto ticket, thanks. That's a one in a few less billion chance ;) Seriously though, this highlights how fucked up pokies really are.
Hole lot of gimmickry - you can already buy "captured saddam" action figures. I also saw multiple "Santa Saddam" photoshopped images within 24 hours. Sidenote: For anyone not familiar with CafePress, their system is just to add a graphic to their entire potential range; it's not significant, no matter how this article is worded.
Meanwhile; what's news to us? Well the SMH has a pic of Saddam on the left; and a teaser on the right for this article: What's this? Kidman craves curves - Apparently news about the captured tyrant is of almost equal interest to readers as Nicole Kidman discussing her arse. | Children trapped at day care centre (December 16, 2003). A pick at a classic piece of bad journalism: this article describes the incident as a "tragedy", which is technically an allowable use of the term; but goes against the usual usage, which is to describe an event involving one or more deaths. Nobody has actually died; so it'd be better to avoid the word. Then they start talking about a driver being killed; but it's an entirely separate incident.
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