
it's meme-a-riffic

Given that even my boss (well, acting-acting-boss-who's-resigned-anyway) has muttered that today should be called due to lack of interest and everyone should go home.... together with the fact that my job so far today has involved telling three different people in a row stuff they most likely didn't want to hear and will be ringing soon in order to whinge.... I decided to nick a livejournal meme that's spreading in that infectious disease kind of way.

Name a CD you own that no-one else on your friends list does

Hmm. Probably local band stuff like the self-titled Orphans of Cool CD; or my Feeble's Junky - 'Panticlerevgator' CD. I'd love it if I was wrong and other people had these too :)

Name a book you own that no-one else on your friends list does

Just Another Empire by Mark Driver. Self-published book I bought over the net.

Name a movie you own on DVD/VHS/whatever that no-one else on your friends list does

Well... I doubt anyone else would have taped and kept Jean de Florette but I could be wrong.

Name a place that you have visited that no-one else on your friends list has

Ipswich Railway Workshops while they were still an operational Queensland Rail workshops facility. It was an entire subculture known only to those who worked there.



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