
x prize has been won

SpaceShipOne claims $US10m flight prize. 05/10/2004. ABC News Online:

The world's first privately funded manned spacecraft has soared through the blue fringe of Earth's atmosphere to the blackened frontiers of space for the second time within a week to win a $US10 million prize designed to spur commercial space travel.


Also present were aircraft designer Burt Rutan, Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, who financed the venture at a cost of between $US20 million and $US30 million, and British entrepreneur Richard Branson, who has licensed the SpaceShipOne design for a series of future commercial passenger flights.

This is very cool.

Update: more links - Slashdot | SpaceShipOne Captures the X Prize, BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | SpaceShipOne rockets to success.


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