
news bits

  • A land of wasted web opportunity - Next - Of the World Wide Web Consortium's (W3C) 368 members, only five are from Australia. It has to be noted that there may be many more Australian individuals who are involved in the W3C in smaller ways than becoming a full member. The W3C includes a great deal of open/public discussion and comment for all of its proposed standards; meaning anyone can join in, without having to pay to join. I figure what they are talking about here is the high-level stuff, getting in as a big player. The only problem is that you shouldn't expect to shape the new tech in order to profit from it - the W3C aims to create the best possible specification for the new tech, then it's out there for people to use in their business. To put it another way; they figure out the best way for the tech to work, not the best way to make money off the tech. The two goals are entirely compatible, but the latter should not drive development of standards.
  • Ban on high-powered cars for P-platers - National - P-plate drivers will be banned from driving high-powered cars from next year in a NSW government crackdown on young drivers. ... P-plate drivers would [also] be restricted to carrying one passenger only. I think the ban on high-powered cars is fine, but I'm not convinced there's value in limiting the number of passengers. That sounds to me like trying to avoid media splashes about carloads of kids being killed; that is, setting the scheme up to appear successful regardless of the reality. One passenger or four, it doesn't matter if the driver has not really thought about what they're doing. With a full car you have to realise you are responsible for four other lives.
  • | Nats done over on Telstra: Beattie (December 15, 2004): RURAL Australians were being treated like mugs over the full sale of Telstra, Queensland Premier Peter Beattie said today. Well yeah, but the Liberals and their voters don't give a shit.
  • Teenagers are just cavemen and women at heart - National - After three decades of the feminist revolution, this is where attitudes have evolved to: teenage boys want a future of wealth, sex with many beautiful women, fast cars and sport. Girls dream of romance, a career, meeting Mr Right and shared parenting.
  • | Bin Laden joker shot (December 15, 2004): Costa Rica: A startled taxi driver shot and wounded a jokester wearing a plastic mask of the al-Qaeda leader, police said today.
  • Lap of the nods - Unusual Tales - A pillow shaped like a woman's lap has become one of the best selling Christmas gifts in Japan.


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