

news bits

  • The Australian: Woman on the verge [January 25, 2005]: Gillard has largely maintained her composure in recent days, ignoring the implicit sexism and double-standards inherent in some of the questions being thrown at her. Sadly it's clear the Labor party is scared of a female boss; and they think the general public are too. Are Australian voters really so lame? Well, maybe. OK, probably. I can't help thinking younger voters want younger candidates and aren't put off by a female, nor are they bothered about whether she has kids or not. Pity the grey vote decides our elections. All that said... Gillard doesn't currently handle the media as well as Rudd. She (or her advisers) will have to get better at it to get past the extra crap that the media clearly intends to throw at her.
  • The Australian: A reality check for aspirant's dream to be PM [January 25, 2005]: Rudd's backers have stressed to him that the past week has ... placed him head and shoulders above any other candidate as the natural leadership successor once Beazley finally departs the scene. Nobody is talking like Beazley will become PM.
  • Costello says inflation within target range. 25/01/2005. ABC News Online: [T]he Consumer Price Index (CPI) had risen 0.8 per cent in the December quarter. But apparently it's not a problem.
  • Abbott denies consumers will pay for PBS cut. 25/01/2005. ABC News Online. Bullshit. The companies will immediately hike prices and blame the cut. We'll be lucky if they only hike prices by 12.5%.
  • Going Dutch - what it really means - Fashion - www.smh.com.au: Those who sport Von Dutch apparel today - predominantly teenage girls - know nothing of the designer's history. Something in the hive mind perhaps? decker was ranting about this the other day. It's hardly surprising that fasion victims know nothing about what they wear. I've often wanted to clobber idiot 14yo girls wearing 'PUNK!'-slogan shirts they bought in order to follow fasion. They're so pretty....vacant.


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