

  • - woke up earlier than i wanted to. really wanted to sleep about half the day.
  • + lunch with family. steak and st arnou pale ale.
  • + secured a new desk for L so she can set up her sewing gear properly.
  • + looking at desk turned into long chat with sleebo and looking at photos of pandas and hong kong. going to miss sleebo and bananafish2k, even if i don't see them all that often.
  • - nasty caffeine headache due to skipping usual breakfast and coffee.
  • - tried a new cafe for coffee. coffee was crappy. beat it into submission with sugar when we got home. i'd look for a url for the cafe but they're changing management anyway.
  • + chatted to angus about photography.
  • + old friend called from canberra. got to surprise him with some news. heard about his adventures at festival. agreed we should try again next year to finally attend and see what it's like.
  • + chatted briefly to relapse. pirates and ninja featured heavily.
  • + didn't plan to, but watched get up, stand up and found it quite interesting.
  • + discovering new music lately. well actually, mostly following up on various 'should check them out' leads. going to have to buy albums by the bravery, dj krush and red snapper. not to mention the new vnv nation album and some
  • - having to actually plan cleaning tomorrow, due to having a house inspection during the week (and the place is a mess). blah.


Anonymous Anonymous  

April 17, 2005 2:24 pm

Yes, it was lovely chatting to you and L yesterday. Glad you enjoyed the photos. Hooray for pandas!

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