around the boing
- Boing Boing: Goth subculture may help self-harming kids:
A study of goth kids finds that goths are more likely to 'self-harm' but that they became goths after this behavior manifested, and suggests that goth subculture might in fact help messed-up kids stop hurting themselves.
Post goes on to compare different headlines used to promote the same story - sometimes media spin is more blatant than other times... - Boing Boing: Shoes made out of computer keyboards. Should have called them 'reboots'. Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week; try the veal!
- Boing Boing: AOL won't deliver emails that criticize AOL. Yet more evidence that AOL sucks.
- Boing Boing: World's most expensive sandwich. Crazy, but hey it would taste good.
- Boing Boing: Paperclip barterer is up to a year's free rent
- Boing Boing: HOWTO convert a Tic Tac box to an LED torch
- Boing Boing: Clever t-shirt typography spells "hate" - "love" in mirror-writing:
Clever t-shirt typography spells 'hate' - 'love' in mirror-writing
Ambigrams are pretty cool.
- photographers: The Racetrack Playa
- photographers: A Cat and a Clothes Dryer
- photographers: Broderick Tower - Detroit, MIVacant sinc
- cityscapes: Russia, Moscow
- photochallenge: #161 - Pause
gads, two cat photos in one post. will have to track down some border collie photos to even things up.
photo: classic lotus
seriously unhappy: that 1 guy's tour is cancelled
Tog Dates: Please note: The Australia dates in late April and May have been cancelled. Sorry folks.
photo: toyota engine (1)
Looks like the ZombieWalk went well! Pleased to see that I recognise some of the decaying faces in this lot: Zombiewalk 2006 pictures.