around the traps
- 25 Various Styles of The Wizard of Oz Illustrations | The Design Inspiration
- Major banks reviewing their overdrawn charges | Banking |, no doubt they'll raise interest rates next week to ensure they maintain their billion dollar profits.
- Google's New Australian Offices Produces Pong Over Pyrmont... hmm, the mystery stink. Pretty sure we encountered the foul beast in carpark of the IGA one time. The smell was unholy.
- Get Great Gadgets. And Keep Them. - Last Year's Model
- I Am Obsessed With Food | Top Aussie Online Resources for Foodies
- Official Google Blog: I now pronounce you monetized: a YouTube video case study. YouTube made some mo-nay. Pretty sure the people who made the video made nah-thing. But at least they didn't get sued for creating something which made the 'rights holders' lots of money.
- ondiraiduveau's collections on Flickr - a huge collection of classic pinups, illustrations, movie posters, book covers, etc...
around the traps
Living with FPS Disease:
- Ninja Business Cards | Card Observer
- TV networks hit by $300m revenue drop - mUmBRELLA. I wonder if that spend will ever move to online media - and if that might lead to more money put into online advertising creative. Currently online is treated like the fast food of advertising. Shitty banners, crappy design, 30sec TV ads dumped into prerolls (anything above about 5sec is too long online)... it's not taken seriously. When online ads get the same care and attention as magazine ads, people might start noticing online ads in some relatively positive manner (instead of screaming at page takeovers).
- And to avoid staying serious for more than 30 seconds, a lolcat:
- YouTube - jimathers's Channel - foamy the squirrel archive. foamy overload! :D
- Next stop, clay tablets where Dan looks at ways to store data on paper. A bold new computer metaphor which discusses the evolution of computers... or rather the lack therof.
- The Computer Hardware Chart Identifies Your PC's Parts - Computer Hardware - Lifehacker, Top 10 Wallpaper Tools & Tweaks - Wallpaper - Lifehacker
- Linos (tiny portable record player). Very neat bit of design.
- Inside Sony's Blu-ray factory | (gallery)
- Dark Roasted Blend: Britain’s Colourful Pub Signs, Part 1
- LED Colorblind | Colblindor - Color Blindness viewed through Colorblind Eyes
- Maker's Schedule, Manager's Schedule:
When you're operating on the maker's schedule, meetings are a disaster. A single meeting can blow a whole afternoon, by breaking it into two pieces each too small to do anything hard in. Plus you have to remember to go to the meeting. That's no problem for someone on the manager's schedule. There's always something coming on the next hour; the only question is what. But when someone on the maker's schedule has a meeting, they have to think about it.
- Slipstream - Streaming Services May Soothe the Music Industry -
'Piracy is essentially the consumer’s wish to have everything on demand. It's not like people want to necessarily have it for free,' Mr. Ek said. The problem is that there have not been commercial services 'that allowed people to discover new music and easily share music with friends,' he said.
coffee's up
jam donut
Turns out that fresh cooked jam donuts are amazing, in much the same way as fresh cooked cinnamon donuts. OK sure, all that sugar and fat probably took a month off my life... but I did not care ;)
Taken at the Aroma Festival, Sydney, 2009.
Labels: photo
around the traps
- Ghost in the Machine: The Clash on Flickr
- Swearing mitigates pain - Boing Boing:
Some experimental evidence to suggest that swearing makes pain less traumatic, though the mechanism ... is unclear
A couple of topics discussed over breakfast with some smart people a while back... Dunning-Kruger effect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
The Dunning-Kruger effect is an example of cognitive bias in which '...people reach erroneous conclusions and make unfortunate choices but their incompetence robs them of the metacognitive ability to realize it'. They therefore suffer an illusory superiority, rating their own ability as above average. This leads to a perverse result where people with less competence will rate their ability more highly than people with relatively more competence.
Fascinating, yet highly unsettling. Because if you are one of the people who fall into this effect, you don't know! Also explains a bit why some seriously smart people think they're not very smart - they know all too well how much they don't know, and also (mistakenly) think everyone knows what they do know. At the far end of that scale you find Impostor syndrome, where people cannot accept their own success. Amazing the way the human psyche can completely mess itself up.
- Wacky Races in Real Life! - very well done.
1337 vampire face
cloudy morning
We had an amazing blanket of clouds over the city one morning this week. This was my view while I made breakfast :)
Labels: photo
blocking Snapshots popups
I hate Snapshots™ popups. Snapshots™ seem very proud of their creation, however I have never seen any possible reason you'd want these intrusive fucking things on your website:
All they do is get in the bloody way. Now, you might think why get angry? just click the handy-dandy little "disable" button! Then you realise the bloody thing doesn't work. The moment you clear cookies, sneeze or look away for five seconds the sods are back.
If you have ad blocking software you might be able to get rid of them that way; but I prefer to get medieval on Snapshots™ arse. I don't want to see them again just because I installed a new browser or something (I do that a bit, I'm a web developer and have at minimum five browsers installed at any one time).
blocking Snapshots™ using the hosts file
Let's block these suckers at the hosts file level. First, find and edit %WINDIR%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
... Commonly the directory is C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc
and hosts
is a text file. You may need to edit the properties to turn off "read only" (you can switch it back to read only when you're done).
Once you're in the hosts file, add these lines (of course you can edit the comment to taste):
# fuck off snapshots
Save the file, happy days. As far as I know this works in Windows XP, Vista, 2000... probably all versions of Windows. The Mac equivalent has to be done on the command line, because apparently Apple thinks inside every GUI-loving Machead there's a UNIX geek trying to get out.
So anyway, get on in to your hosts file and consign Snapshots™ to the oblivion it so richly deserves.
Labels: windows xp
around the traps
- BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | Giving up my iPod for a Walkman, where a 13yo kid uses an original Walkman for a week.
It took me three days to figure out that there was another side to the tape. That was not the only naive mistake that I made; I mistook the metal/normal switch on the Walkman for a genre-specific equaliser ... I managed to create an impromptu shuffle feature simply by holding down 'rewind' and releasing it randomly.
(funny and CC licensed, too!)
- One guy starts a dance party:
- Nap Fail | I Can Has Cheezburger?
- The watermelon catapult | I Can Has Cheezburger?
- I can see no way in which this carefully laid plan could ever fail | I Can Has Cheezburger?