Christopher Pyne, the minister of muddles, is really the artful dodger: What were the most damning indictments that Tony Abbott made of the two Labor governments that preceded him? That they suffered from ''chaos and dysfunction'' and that they broke a core promise - they ''lied''. Yet this is exactly what Pyne delivered. He announced three iterations of the one policy in the space of a week. He threw thousands of schools into complete confusion about how much money they would have in a new school year just eight weeks away. At least this new backflip sets things the right way around, but at this point how excited can you be - after all, they could so easily backflip again. I wonder when all that 'stable government' stuff happens...
Same sex marriage | Sam de Brito: Ignoring the ludicrousness of an all-powerful, all-knowing, all-loving God even caring what two people do when in bed together (or how I address Him in prayer or whether I can bash out a column on a Sunday), it frustrates me that people like yourself are happy to cherry-pick which parts of the Bible you take literally and which you do not.
Renewable energy: Tony Abbott signals he could wind back or scrap targets | Environment | I think the message is pretty clear when he talks at length about totally unspecified 'concerns' people have about wind turbines; plus appoints a climate change denier to head up the task force looking at making power bills cheaper for industry. Interesting to see how he weasels past the bit where the Howard government created the renewable energy requirement in the first place.
Has the Great Barrier Reef just been approved for destruction by the Australian government? | Environment | Unfortunately, soon a massively destructive coal port will be built just 50 km north of the magnificent Whitsunday Islands. The port expansion wasapproved by the Abbott Liberal National government on Wednesday 11 December, and it will become one of the world's largest coal ports. The coal export facility is ironically located on Abbot Point. The construction of this port will involve dredging 3 million cubic metres of seabed. The dredge spoil will be dumped into the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area.
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