
2024 mix tape

YouTube playlist: 2024 Mix Tape on YouTube.

There's aslo a Tidal playlist... minus Themata, which is still annoyingly missing from the platform: 2024 Mix Tape on Tidal.

Tracklist, and background if you're curious:

  1. YES - Owner of a Lonely Heart. Learning about music production and buying a proper audio interface to drive my headphones gave me a new level of appreciation for a lot of songs - and not always the "obvious" kind of songs. The production on this track is a great example - much more going on than I'd ever have been able to hear listening to it on average 1980s gear.
  2. Supertramp - The Logical Song. Another track I loved as a kid but came back with fresh ears.
  3. Tycho Brahe - Free (2024 Tour Version). Tycho cut this together after their crazy experience opening for The Human League's whole tour. I caught up with them a couple of times, doing a couple of airport runs and catching them at The Enmore. Fun moment getting a shout out during the Enmore gig (for running the website). I mean... web geeks do not usually get a cheer at The Enmore :)
  4. DJ Misjah - Access (Original Mix). It was kinda this or putting something from Paul Van Dyk's Out There And Back on the list again. Classics that keep on giving.
  5. MEUTE - Hypnose (Future Edit). Got onto a huge kick going through Meute's catalogue... who knew that a techno marching band could be a thing, let alone this damn good?
  6. Karnivool - Themata. First of two "cancelled by COVID" gigs that I ticked off this year. They had to cancel a tour celebrating their Sound Awake album, eventually playing it as a live-streamed gig - which was good, but even while I watched it I longed to be standing shoulder to shoulder with my mates belting out the words. I'm not sure I have ever *longed* for a musical experience quite as deeply. Finally this year it happened.
  7. Iron Maiden - The Writing On The Wall. The other cancelled-by-COVID gig was Iron Maiden so I was stoked to finally see the Irons again. With the lads not getting younger, I don't expect they can keep touring a hell of a lot longer - was worried this tour wouldn't happen when Nicko had his stroke. With good reason I suppose as he retired from touring a few months later. Glad I could see Nicko play one last time.
  8. Fatboy Slim - Role Model. Fatboy Slim dropped a new track and it's just fun.
  9. After Cooking - A Name I Don't Know. Playing techno on old pots, broken cymbals and a PVC pipe tubulum... because why not? Turns out anything sounds good with enough reverb and delay ;)
  10. PPK - ResuRection (Space Club Mix) (2001). This classic popped up in a rolling playlist and I realised while I know the track incredibly well, it doesn't appear in my MP3 collection, itunes, etc. Extra geeky fact: the main theme is taken from a soviet movie soundtrack from 1979.
  11. Underworld - denver luna. New album from Underworld is an absolute banger. We were meant to catch them at the Opera House again but got sick, unfortunately. Have to just console myself with memories of last time; and absolutely smashing the album.
  12. The Cure - Drone:Nodrone. New album by The Cure, and it's really good.
  13. Choirboys - Run to Paradise. This one is probably the surprise track (to me as well) which sneaks onto the list after a slightly odd night, out for a beer with a mate and ending up in a sort of lock-in at a brewery. The owner and his mates were kicking on and playing a bunch of Aussie rock classics. This track ended up stuck in my head for weeks.



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