now that Peter Garrett has entered politics (and left music..) i guess i must lay a fond dream to rest.
i now face the reality that we will never see a Peter Garrett vs. Michael Stipe dance-off.
think about it ;) Moby could adjudicate.
Nodwick, ep 176: We are the shadow that comes in the night and says 'ARRR!'
Wired News: Don't Mess With Librarians: While mainstream media have blandly stood by as the free flow of information is threatened, some librarians have been agitating.
The Observer | International | Why I've fallen out of love with Australia: With Prime Minister John Howard predicted to win October's general election, Bill Condie analyses the climate of intolerance and racism which has soured his home country
. (link via belegdel)
Minor rant ahead.
I don't think racism is quite so rampant as this piece suggests, or at least I don't think it has increased the way this suggests; and I'd be interested to see this person's views on racism in Britain. But the sad fact remains that Australia is sliding into xenophobia, a widening rift with its indigenous population and an increasingly stark class system.
After a flawed referendum, Australia has returned to its subserviant colony role within the Commonwealth; even while a series of Prime Ministers have kissed up to the USA. Our fate is now linked to that of the largest, most aggressive and hated nation in the world. We have become a target of America's enemies and yet we have rewarded the US by agreeing to a one-sided Free Trade Agreement.
We have bought into the worldwide fear of terrorism which has served primarily to excuse massive losses in civil liberties and increased military expenditure. Combined with our own apathy and consumerism, we must be the most docile electorate in the world - except America, maybe. At least voting is compulsory, making our elections less vulnerable to well-organised lobby groups; admittedly a bittersweet fact.
We've been suffering under a PM who blatantly lies whever he feels like it. Who knows where our tax dollars go, because the quality of state-run services like health, education, welfare and communications are horrendous, with increasing levels of privatisation feeding the rot.
Why aren't more people in Australia mad as hell?
The Need for Web Design Standards (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox): Unfortunately, much of the Web is like an anthill built by ants on LSD: many sites don't fit into the big picture, and are too difficult to use because they deviate from expected norms. Several design elements are common enough that users expect them to work in a certain way.
Keep in mind that Jakob has become focussed on e-commerce sites which need to capture users in seconds and then extract money from them. He doesn't address the issue that people are frequently accessing sites which are the only source of certain information. This would back up his statements to a great degree.
I've already blogged some of these, but a conversation at morning coffee prompted me to collate them into one post.
- Enter the Cow-orker, one man's
personal diary in hell
. How an office job can be turned into torture by having to work with an utter moron. The author's ability to turn a phrase lends biting wit to a situation which would make me scream.
- Acts of Gord. Gord ran a game shop, sales and rental. The sheer idiocy - and his retaliation - make for incredible reading.
- Driver Down, included particularly for Mark Driver's tales of life as a bartender in a seriously shitty, dangerous dive. Think of it this way: no matter how dodgy you think the punters are, some poor sod has to serve them drinks and swill the place out after closing.
- Making Light: Tae, the paramedic from Hell. These are quite flippant and graphic, but most of us wouldn't last one day as a paramedic so we don't get to judge.
- Improv Message Boards - True Porn Clerk Stories. You'd think working in a video rental store would be totally banal and uneventful; but as this diary shows, that probably depends on exactly what is stocked.
Most of these are net nutshells. You've probably seen most of them before. But they serve as a reminder that the net is an endless canvas which allows anyone to publish what's on their mind. The fact that millions do it has obscured the fact that thousands are actually good at it and a smaller number are truly incredible.
Rallying cry for web developers: "We've upped our standards; up yours!"
From Photo Matt | RSS Bandwidth Usage. Probably unintentional, but funny.
Guardian Unlimited Film | News | In a secret Paris cavern, the real underground cinema: Police in Paris have discovered a fully equipped cinema-cum-restaurant in a large and previously uncharted cavern underneath the capital's chic 16th arrondissement. Officers admit they are at a loss to know who built or used one of Paris's most intriguing recent discoveries.
Found via reagan, via jwz, hell it's the net... ;)
Joel on Software - It's Not Just Usability: But there's a scary element of truth to it-scary to UI professionals, at least: an application that does something really great that people really want to do can be pathetically unusable, and it will still be a hit.
[ws] Color Scheme Generator 2. Auto-generates compatible colours.
Pizza Party - Command Line Pizza ordering program. I'd poke fun, but having ordered pizza for a medium sized group before now I've pondered something similar from time to time - punch in everyone's preferences and let the script figure out which toppings/bases are compatible.
Seriously... ever seen what happens if no veggie pizza turns up? Vegetarians can be vicious.
Hi everyone. Gather 'round.
I'd bet quite a bit that you haven't noticed the changed content wayyyy down the bottom of this blog, and hey that's fine. If I wanted it to be in your face it'd be at the top.
Part of that content is a "get rid of internet explorer" section, with links to Opera and Firefox. This was inspired by IE being so crap, but also prompted by a nice guy over at the Mozilla foundation dropping me an email (who know how, but to my surprise he'd noticed the has microsoft finally noticed that people are pissed off with IE6? post). Asa asked so nicely, how could I refuse? ;)
Basically, if you use IE I want you to try a different browser. Opera and Firefox are both excellent choices. If you use Opera, be sure to go into Preferences and set it to "Identify as Opera" since otherwise it will turn up in server logs as IE6 - thereby shooting itself in the foot. Server admins need to know what you're really using!
But ditch IE. It's a piece of shit.

When car modification goes to the next leve: turning a Honda NSX into a Ferrari F50. Well, making it look like one anyway.
The Banality of Google ( And Satan said, 'I will give you an algorithm to rank pages based on links.' And they were like, 'you totally read our minds! Did you go to Stanford?'
Note: irony accepted. This is posted on Blogger and comments will go to a Gmail account. Plus, according to this blog's access logs, you probably got here via Google.
Monkey Dubbing - Dubbing The 13 Unseen Episodes in 2004: The 13 unseen Monkey episodes, that were skipped during the dubbing of Monkey episodes in the late 1970s, have now been dubbed into English finally.
Banksy, a street artist who takes it to the next level.
Labels: street art
Thorfinn - Vote the Bastards Out. A detailed, lucid post covering many of the reasons why Australia needs to vote out the Liberal party and John Howard with it.
While I'm at it, you should confirm your enrolment. If you have moved since the last Federal election but you have not updated your details, there is a good chance you will need to re-enrol (they seem to have done a bit of a purge recently). The closing date for re-enrolment is Tuesday, September 7th. So don't wait.
Update: Vote the Bastards Out makes reference to The Lyons Forum, which makes for interesting reading.